june 2015

Created in 2015









Homage to Damien Hirst

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Homage to Demian Hirst
Snapshots on little stages, that put a smile on the viewers faces. These three-dimensional masterpieces display, perhaps with a little smirk, the scenes of life that we encounter from time to time. Volker Kühn’s picture language is universally comprehensible, which is one of many reasons why his art is placed in established Galleries, around the globe.

Homage to Calder

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Homage to_Calder swing

Homage to Lucio Fontana

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

F Hommage a Fontana

Homage to Günther Uecker ‘Uecker macht einen Fehler’

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Uecker, Homage to, Uecker macht einen Fehler

Homage to Mark Rothko ‘The Lonely’

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Rothko, Homage to, Der einsame Rothko

Homage to Piet Mondrian Wir zimmern uns einen Mondrian

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Mondrian in progress

Homage to Josef Albers ‘The burning square’

three dimensional art box

volker kühn

Albers, Homage to, das brennende Qudrat

For a more comprehensive list of works on display please call or stop by the gallery.

42 Webbs Road, SW11 6SF, London, +44 (0)742 763 6306 or +44 (0)207 223 8900


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